Thursday, December 11, 2008

Consumer Mailing Lists: The Evolution of Direct Mailing

The concept of using mail to attract the attention of potential consumers is not new. In fact, it is one of the oldest marketing tactics that companies and entrepreneurs employ to achieve public awareness, and to turn this awareness into action. This procedure or tactic is called direct mailing. As the name suggests, this strategy would require one to send marketing materials (or mailers) to a number of people, sent directly to their home addresses. This would ensure that the people will instantly see the marketing material. However, direct mailing is no longer as useful as it is today. Hence, many entrepreneurs rely on consumer mailing lists. Many people are not too eager to try consumer mailing lists. However, comparing the benefits of direct mailing to the advantages of consumer mail lists, it is easy to see which of the following is the marketing tool of choice.

For one, direct mailing requires more effort compared to using consumer mail lists. With direct mailing, the entrepreneur is required to create mailers (the marketing materials to be sent), which cost a considerable amount of money. Of course, these mailers need to be sent through snail mail, which also cost a lot especially if the number of mailers is considerably plenty. On the other hand, when using consumer email lists, all one has to do is buy the lists from providers and create the promotional material digitally, since these materials are sent online. Obviously, the email marketing effort is cheaper compared to the direct mailing tactics.

The issue of attention also comes into mind. A lot of people who prefer direct mailing against consumer email lists say direct mail tends to grab the attention of potential consumers more, since mailers are tangible. However, while tangible, the effort does not guarantee that people will indeed read the material. Mailers are often considered as junk mail. And junk mail is seldom read, unless the person who received the mail is interested with the service or the product promoted. Meanwhile, it is not true not using a consumer mailing list for email marketing would not attract attention. If the consumer email list provider is reliable, the contacts contained in the lists are relevant; meaning, all of them are interested in the product.

Internet marketing today can be done many ways. We have found that Consumer Mailing Lists and Consumer Email Lists are the strongest methods. For the lowest prices online for these lists, go to Visit Consumer Mailing Lists: The Evolution of Direct Mailing.

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How E-book Can Be Used As a Solution to Several Marketing Problems?

The linguistic trap that an e-book is an "electronic book" is both Limiting and incorrect let???s dispose of that notion right now. An e-book is actually a portable web site! And depending on the Creator software used, an e-book can maintain the "functional" Characteristics of a web site as well. Where server side functionality is required, such as the Processing of CGI scripts, the user need only go on line. Presto! With this more accurate definition in mind, let's take a closer Look at how e-book can be used as a solution to several marketing Problems

1. As a Viral Marketing Tool

E-book can pass from one person to another without degradation and without cost each affiliate e-book can be individualized [Coded] so the integrity of source business generated can be clearly maintained In addition, each e-book can notify the appropriate affiliate. For more details visit to .Every time a subscription or sale is procured through that Affiliate???s e-book, regardless of the number of copies floating around.

2. As a Teaser for Generating Desire

Many e-books are offered on a "try the first few chapters" basis. But what if you're not in the e-book-selling business? What if you???re offering a paid sex site, or a subscription, or a secret "Pay first" site? The e-book can serve as a teaser, an invitation, a game card, a Feedback device, a portal to similar sites, or a complete site Where the balance of the site (the remaining content) must be Paid-for to be unlocked this keeps out the under aged, for Example, where the content is audience sensitive the entire Work can be password-protected if necessary.

3. As a Brokering Device

Business on the Internet is highly competitive. Partnering and Alliance-building can be highly effective for small budget Businesses the problem, however, is leveling the fairness in Customer based targeting. To know more logon to

The e-book is uniquely suited to free-lance deal-makers by creating a platform, such as a catalog, where competitors can

Offer their wares to the same shared customer base. And let's not Forget, advertising can be sold in e-book too, thus bridging the Gap for all levels of participation. There are countless uses for e-book as a marketing tool. The few

Above is just a tiny sample to show completely different Situations with the e-book as a solution.

Plus, you'll notice that none of the above constitutes sitting down and writing a book! Of course, if your name is Stephen King You can sit down and write a short story and sell over 500,000 Copies for $2.50 in less than a week another story altogether.

The point is simple. If you're in the business of marketing on The web, the e-book can be your personal, customizable killer Marketing machine, without ever having to write one single book If gaining exposure is your problem, the e-book offers a

Tremendous array of solutions you do not need to be a Professional writer to take advantage of the "functional" value of e-book and it could certainly be worth your while to take a Closer look at this wonderful interactive application that you

Can design for yourself "or" for your paying clients.

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internet marketing online: seo

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